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Score: 5/10
Categories: Influence
Mental Models: Authority, Consistency & Commitment Bias, Curiosity Instinct, Denial, Emotions: Hope, Trust
“The first rule is that you can't really know anything if you just remember isolated facts and try and bang 'em back. If the facts don't hang together on a latticework of theory, you don't have them in a usable form.” -Charlie Munger
6 Mental Models from the book:
1. Authority
The use of technical terms adds the perception of expertise. Using specific facts and figures makes you look like an expert and that you've investigated the issue.
2. Consistency & Commitment Bias
The most important thing to turn a prospect into a customer is to get them to commit, it doesn't matter how small that initial purchase is. Make the commitment: (1) Simple (2) Small (3) In line with their needs.
3. Curiosity Instinct
An involvement device gets people's attention and involves them. For example: Allowing someone to test drive a car. If it's not possible to test drive a big machine, you could bring part of a machine to your prospect's office. Giving him something tangible to touch and get involved in.
4. Denial
Provide a reason (near the end of your copy) so that your prospect can justify the purchase.
5. Emotions
Emotion are the single biggest reason that people make a buying decision. Sell using emotions but justify with logic.
5.1 Emotions: Hope
Hope can be a powerful motivator to get people to buy. Show the prospect the future benefit of your product.
6. Trust
Highlight a negative feature (of what you are selling or yourself in a job interview). This will reduce resistance and you'll be seen as more honest. This will lower people's defenses and make them more receptive to the positive aspects of your product or yourself.
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