Amazon: Link
Score: 7/10
Skills Category: Copywriting
Mental Models: Attentional Bias, First Conclusion Bias, Incentives, Mise-en-Place, System 1 vs System 2 Thinking, Trust, Vividness Bias
Mental Models from the book:
'Ogilvy on Advertising' can be summarised into 7 mental models:
1. Attentional Bias
5 x times more people read the headline vs the copy
Use the following features in headlines: Promises/ News/ Long/ Specifics/ information/ flag/ quotes
2. First Conclusion Bias
Headlines that offer a benefit are remembered by 4x more people.
3. Incentives
Ads that offer no benefit do not sell
4. MisE-en-Place
Finding the most effective promise is the best use of research. Show people a number of promises and say they are for different products. Ask them to rate for importance and uniqueness.
5. System 1 vs System 2 Thinking
Big ideas come from your subconscious. Stuff your mind with knowledge and then walk/relax.
6. Trust
Tell clients about your weaknesses before they are noticed. It will make you more trustworthy and your strong points more believable.
7. Vividness Bias
People read/view an ad in the following order (so put them in this order):
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